Prophets past and present have encouraged us to seek to understand how to part the veil between heaven and earth.
This podcast discusses the doctrines, principles and patterns of how the the thinning of the veil occurs when we are engaged in the gathering of Israel.
Testimonies of these greater manifestations will also be shared in the hopes that we all may have the heavens opened to us in greater degrees.
One of the biggest lessons taught in the Book of Ether, is that part of the reason why the veil isn't parting in our lives is because of our unbelief. Just in chapter 4 alone, unbelief was mentioned over 10 times in some form. This episode actually examines and shines a light on not only what unbelief is, but also some of the causes. The thinning of the veil cannot and will not happen in our lives, if we do not believe that it can. Why would Moroni include the story of the Brother of Jared in the record for our day? It is a start to finish pattern of how one believing son, tore the veil open revealing Jesus Christ. Our current prophet has talked about parting the veil. These two witnesses testify of our invitation to not only part the veil, but rend the veil, along with many other recorded testimonies of the same. Unbelief that it can happen is probably the most significant deterrent for it happening to us as individuals. But we are not without hope, for when we understand what unbelief is, we can begin to whittle it away in our lives and the thinning of the veil becomes a sweet interaction between heaven and earth.
www.thinningoftheveil.com- https://www.thinningoftheveil.com/
YouTube Channel- https://www.youtube.com/@UCAA9WnYhYvCp1ffCe-AGUQQ
YouTube: Rend the Veil of Unbelief Video: https://youtu.be/XMfXH8gudyI
Book- "Patterns of Revelation"- https://www.amazon.com/Patterns-Revelation-Spiritual-Foundations-Hearing-ebook/dp/B0BWGLZ8VX
Doctrine & Covenants 84:54-56
"Thou Shalt Receive Revelation", Bruce R. McConkie, Apr. 1978- https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/1978/10/thou-shalt-receive-revelation?lang=eng
"Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains", President Russell M. Nelson, April 2021- https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2021/04/49nelson?lang=eng
Doctrine and Covenants 58:15, Mormon 9:19-21
3 Nephi 19:35, D&C 3:18, ALMA 50:22, 2 NEPHI 32:7, ALMA 7:6
Face Book, David A. Bednar, August 20, 2024- https://www.facebook.com/reel/823280779922441
Ether 4:14-15
Jeffrey R. Holland, “Rending the Veil”, Address given at Sperry Symposium on October 7, 1995, published in A Book of Mormon Treasury: Gospel Insights from General Authorities and Religious Educators (2003), 47–66.
Ether 2:15, Isaiah Institute, “Rending the Veil”, Dec. 12, 2022
Doctrine and Covenants 67:10, Ether 4:7-8